Going to the Light
A 365-day Photo Journal

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 80: ...the one that's with you

click photo for larger version

I finally got around to downloading a new iPhone app called Best Camera. The app is the brainchild of Chase Jarvis who at this moment I'm pretty sure is swimming in cash. Jarvis is a professional photographer who developed a book of photos that he took with his iPhone. The idea was to promote the notion that "the best camera is the one that's with you". So at the same time he released his book, he also released an iPhone app that allows you to add some stylistic effects to your phone photos and then share them through the major social networking outlets.

Today's photo was taken with my iPhone and stylized using the Best Camera app. I have the first generation iPhone and I must say that the camera is pretty limited (fixed focus, aperture and shutter speed). The new 3Gs iPhone is much more capable. But as Jarvis suggests, you can take interesting photos with the most basic of cameras. Be sure to check out his video on the link I provided. It gives a great overview of the app.


Alisa said...

I saw that you had tweeted this image, but I did not realize it was yours! I really do like the idea that "the best camera is the one that's with you"-

Jennifer Chronicles (jenx67.com) said...

i can't believe it's day 80 already. this is def. my favorite time of year. in oklahoma, it lends itself to such great photos. [prepare for winter] sigh.