Going to the Light
A 365-day Photo Journal

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 5: "...and nothing else."

click on photo for larger version

I hate to admit that when I took this photo yesterday, I didn't even notice the Picasso quote. Nevertheless, it's a great quote. It also reminded me of the classic funny I first saw written on a bathroom wall:

"To be is to do." --Aristotle
"To do is to be." --Socrates
"Do be do be do." --Sinatra

My favorite verse in the Bible was written by the Apostle Paul as he was warning the Galations about getting hung up on rules and tradition. He wrote, "The only thing that matters is faith, expressing itself as love." (Galations 5:6) Faith is all important, but notice that he doesn't stop with just believing...faith is expressed by what we do.

I'm finding that I'm seriously neglectful of the doing. I started this project with this very thing in mind. But what's interesting is that 5 days in and I'm realizing how I really had no idea how neglectful I have become.

I Googled the Picasso quote from the photo and here's some more of what dear Pablo had to say:

"The important thing is to do, and nothing else; be what it may. But then, what do you do when the picture is finished? Have you ever seen a finished picture? A picture or anything else? Woe unto you the day it is said that you are finished! To finish a work? To finish a picture? What nonsense! To finish it means to be through with it, to kill it, to rid it of its soul, to give it its final blow: the most unfortunate one for the painter as well as for the picture." --Pablo Picasso as recorded by his lifelong friend Jamie Sabarté.


Territory Mom said...

I love this photo and the quote, as parents we are never finished doing our work or job or dream, whatever applies. Thanks for checking out my old photo. I wonder what an expert can do with it on Photoshop (hint, hint).
P.S. check out my babies on http://www.territorymom.blogspot.com